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Best Picture
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actress
Best Supporting Actor

Vote Today!

Cast your vote for this year's Academy Awards. You don't have to be a registered voter here at WKZ; anyone can vote. We're counting down to the big night next week when the Academy Awards will be handed out. This year the competition is expected to be as keen as ever. This is your opportunity to weigh in on whom you want to see get the awards on awards night.

Be Our Guest at the Awards

That's right — you and a lucky companion can win an all-expenses-paid trip to the awards. We'll fly you and a companion first-class and round-trip from anywhere within the United States and Canada. You and your companion will get free limousine service to and from the airport. You'll stay at a four-star hotel right here in Hollywood. You'll have all your expenses paid including meals, lodging, and transportation. You'll be right in the mix of things on awards night. After the show, come party with us at our own celebrity bash here in Hollywood.

Red Carpet News

WKZ has just learned that Sonny Singh will be here in the studio the morning before the awards. Tune in for a live interview with Sonny on the Tony Travers show, 8 a.m. PST this Friday. Tony will also be interviewing a number of surprise guests on the show that morning as well. He will also be giving you a tour of the awards theatre and the behind-the-scenes preparations for the show. Don't miss this exciting pre-awards show this Friday at 8 a.m.